Treehouse Elf Workshop at Olympus - Olympus Press - Seattle, WA
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Treehouse Elf Workshop at Olympus

We had the pleasure of hosting Treehouse, a local non-profit, at Olympus Press’s warehouse this last Friday for an Elf Workshop. Treehouse provides over 5,000 toys across Washington State to foster youth ranging from newborn to early 20s every year.  As a part of their Holiday Magic program, volunteers spent all day packaging toys including Lego Mega Blocks, Stack & Tumble Elephants, and Lettersaurus in ship-ready packages to be distributed to foster youth this Christmas.

For the last four years Olympus Press has been able to partner with Treehouse to help mail and distribute the toys once they’re packaged. This year, with all the changes due to COVID-19, Treehouse had to rethink their Elf Workshop event. We were happy to help, opening up our parking lot for volunteers to sort and pack toys outdoors instead of inside the Treehouse facilities. They’re planning on one or two more outdoor packaging events like this to make sure they get all their toys ready to ship out on time.

If you’d like to learn more about Treehouse, or find ways you can help them support foster youth in Washington, head over to their website: It’s not too late to donate or volunteer to help their Holiday Magic program get toys out to foster youth this Christmas.

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